Monday, April 20, 2009

Other NYC Benefits

You know times are tough when even billionaires are taking advantage of inexpensive things. While getting my namaste on at Yoga to the People, (a Yoga studio with free but "donation suggested" classes at locations all around Manhattan), I noticed an Olsen twin slouched on a mat by the wall. Abiding by the unspoken rule of NYC that celebrities are to be seen and not acknowledged, I placed my mat just far away enough to look like I didn't care/sneak glances at her skinny legs.

Hopefully she donated the recommended $10 to compensate for those of us who can barely afford shelling out $2.

While embarking on my second donation funded activity this past weekend, a guided bike tour through Brooklyn, I learned about another star who enjoys having some fun for next to nothing. Apparently Bill Murray is wandering into random house parties and establishments around the city, initiating odd conversations, then walking away. I'm strongly considering buying three cases of Natty Light and inviting 20 of my closest friends over to my apartment to see if he will show up. My Mr. Belding singing karaoke in a Gristedes basement story is getting old. So is the one about my run in with Paul Rudd on a C train a few years back.

I won't be running into him on the subway anytime soon though. In case you missed it, Patrick McGeehan did a great job of explaining how I'm saving money by swapping the train for Murray (my bike who was donated to me by Stacey Burgay under the condition that I too will one day recycle it). Props to Ruby Washington, the soon to be vegan photographer for the NY Times for making me look good!

Anyway, no matter what your cheap fix may be, it's a slight bonus on top of the new extra $25 to be unemployed in a city where you may not even have to leave your own overpriced apartment for an invaluable, twitter-worthy celeb encounter.


  1. if I complete this yoga challenge I get free guest passes. You are welcome to come with me to a class!

  2. I freakin' love your posts Cara! I haven't heard the Paul Rudd story!! That will be a perfect beer garden story to tell.

  3. What about running into Mystery? That was fun.
